Using Templates
When developing the models instead of standard components models in the form of word models, it is also possible to use components from the Template Box on the right side of Modeling and Simulation Environment. This box contains the component tools for representing them by standard engineering schemas (see the Figure below). Currently there are the components inside the Electrical Component branch, which are designed according to the standard schemes commonly used in Electrical engineering. There are also the components in Mechanical Component branch, which currently contain components that use the mechanical schemes used in vibrations. The other mechanical schemes will be added later. Finally there is also Component Orientation branch which permits drawing the components horizontally or vertically. It is used when creating components such as resistors, capacitors, etc. By default the drawing is horizontal. We can change this to drawing the vertically. After the component is created, it is advised to switch the drawing direction back to Horizontal.
Template Box Components
Template Box Components
To illustrate use of such forms of components model we create an electrical resistor by dragging and dropping its tool from the Template Box (see the figure below). To do it we need first to activate Template Box, and then expand Electrical Component branch. If we need a horizontal resistor we simply pick it, drag it to the central document window and drop it somewhere inside it. For a vertical one we expand also Component Orientation branch and select Vertical orientation. The resistor component is created and the caret appears. We can now edit the resistor title. Thus. we may change it to R100, meaning e.g. that it is the resistor of nominal resistance 100 (Ohms). When we finished with editing we click somewhere outside of it, as with other components, and the component creation is completed and it appears showing its title and its ports. Notice that it is only the component model. Its model document we may add in the usual way (see Development Component Models).
Creating a resistor
The next figure shows model of a RLC project developed by using the electrical templates.
RLC project with electrical template components